Importing Data into Golden Records 4

Golden Records 4 uses a different database with a different structure from Golden Records 3.  For that reason it caot use the database created by Golden Records 3.

Data needs to be exported from Golden Records 3 to Golden Records 4.  To do this go open Golden Records 3 (it will still be on your computer) and go to the Tools and Settings menu.  Select the “Transfer” icon.  Select that this is the source computer and save the generated file which ends with .transfer on a USB stick or somewhere where you can find it.

Close Golden Records 3 and open Golden Records 4.  Go to the Tools and Settings menu and select Import

Select Import from Golden Records, and click “browse” to find the .transfer file you saved earlier.  Then click Import.  Your data will be imported to Golden Records 4.

Please note it is not possible to restore a backup created on Golden Records 3 on Golden Records 4, the format is different.


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